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What Does A Lash Extension Kit Contain?

Answers to Questions People Ask About Eyelash Extensions

Have you been curious about eyelash extensions and want to know if they're right for you? Or, are you already an eyelash extension enthusiast and just want to know more about them? Either way, this article will answer all your questions so that you can be informed when considering whether or not getting eyelash extensions is the right choice for you.

How long do eyelash extensions last for?

Lash extensions are a great option for people who want to look more awake, youthful and vibrant. They can give your eyes a fuller, darker appearance and make you look like you are wearing mascara. But how long do eyelash extensions last? That depends on how well you take care of them.
If you have your lashes done every few weeks or even monthly, they will last longer than if they were done once every 3 months or so.

If you have your lash extensions applied by someone that is experienced and uses good quality products (like us), then they will usually last 2-3 months before falling out on their own with no assistance from tweezers or other tools used to remove them manually by the client themselves (but we do recommend using tweezers occasionally).
If they fall out sooner than expected due to any reason whatsoever (including rubbing), feel free to come back in so we can reattach them again – there’s no charge for this!

Do eyelash extensions ruin your lashes?

No, eyelash extensions are not a permanent solution to your eye makeup woes. They’re a temporary fix for the problem of having short lashes or wanting more shape or length than nature has given you.
Unfortunately, this means that if you don’t get them done correctly or properly care for them, they can cause damage to your natural lashes.
If you want to keep your natural lashes healthy while getting eyelash extensions applied, it's important that the technician uses high-quality products and takes their time applying them so as not to damage them further.

What are the cons of eyelash extensions?

There are a lot of pros to eyelash extensions but there are also some cons.
They can be expensive. A full set of lash extensions costs about $200 and then it costs about $100-$150 every 2-3 weeks for top up fills (depending on how long it takes your natural lashes to grow out).
They can be painful, especially if you get them put on by someone who isn't experienced in applying them properly or doesn't use the right tools, like an eyelash curler or tweezers instead of chopsticks or toothpicks!

They can be damaging to your natural lashes as they don't allow any airflow around them so they are prone to infections such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), blepharitis (eyelid inflammation), styles etc... Even though these infections will usually clear up with treatment they could lead to scarring which over time could cause permanent damage e.g.: loss of eyelashes due to constant irritation from glue being applied directly onto the base where hair follicles lie under skin surface plus constant rubbing against closed eyes during REM sleep when we move around !!! This might sound far-fetched but it does happen often enough for us not to recommend getting regular extensions until further research proves otherwise."

Is getting eyelash extensions worth it?

The short answer is that it depends. It depends on how much you like them. It depends on how much you like the look of them. It depends on how much you like the feeling of them and it also depends on how much you like the maintenance of them.

Some people love their eyelash extensions and keep getting them because they know it will make them happy every time they look in the mirror or go out on a date night with their partner. These are usually people who are not very busy, have ample time for regular visits to get refills done and can afford someone else to maintain their lashes between services (usually at least once per month).
Other people might love wearing mascara but prefer an easier maintenance routine or don't have anywhere near as much free time available in their schedule as they would need to keep up with this kind of upkeep themselves; therefore having someone else come do it for them makes sense since they're already used to paying someone else anyway while still being able to enjoy this beautiful addition every day!

Can you put mascara on eyelash extensions?

Yes. You can put mascara on your eyelash extensions, but it's a little tricky to do well. If you're using a mascara with a thin wand, like Diorshow or MAC False Lashes Mascara, be sure to apply it carefully by holding the wand as close to the base of your lashes as possible. If you want bolder lashes, use a volumizing formula that won't flake or smudge (Maybelline New York Colossal Big Shot Mascara is one good option).

Eyelash extensions will last longer if they don't come into contact with any products that contain oil and/or water; that means no cleansers or moisturizers (even if they claim they're "oil-free"), no tinted lip balm or glosses with SPF in them (these will cause the glue used for application to loosen), and no waterproof mascaras because they tend not only to wear off more quickly than regular ones but also strip away natural oils from your lashes and skin around them which can weaken adhesives used during appointment time.

How do you sleep with eyelash extensions?

You can sleep with the extensions on if you'd like, but make sure to remove them before bed. If you don't take them off, then it's not recommended because they may damage your natural lashes. However, if you do choose to leave them on, make sure that they're clean and fresh when you go to sleep.

Why you shouldn't do lash extensions?

You shouldn't get eyelash extensions because:
It's a lot of maintenance. If you want them to look good, you have to make sure they're clean, well-shaped and properly maintained on the regular. That means cleaning them regularly with an oil-free eye makeup remover or baby shampoo (Mild soaps are OK), trimming them every 4 weeks at a minimum—and possibly more often depending on how quickly your natural lash grows back—and protecting them with a waterproof mascara at night when sleeping.

It takes time to get the effect you want. At first, it might seem like getting lash extensions is easy enough: just sit down in the chair while someone else does all the work for you! But if you really want your lashes to look great long term, then expect to put in some effort yourself into making sure those babies look good each day after getting them done.

This takes time away from doing other things during ones weekly schedule that could otherwise be used for leisurely activities such as sleeping or watching Netflix.

What happens if you cry with eyelash extensions?

It is not recommended to cry with eyelash extensions, as you can damage your lashes or even the eyes themselves. If you do cry, it's likely that the tears will wash away some of the lash glue. This can cause one or more lashes to fall out completely, which is obviously bad news for your look! If you accidentally rub or hit your eyes while crying, it could also cause damage to both your eye and/or eyelashes themselves.

If you're prone to tearing up while watching sad movies (like me), try wearing waterproof mascara before heading out so that when those tears start flowing you won't be left with panda eyes!

How often should you take a break from lash extensions?

If you're feeling tired or stressed, it's a good idea to take a break from lash extensions. If you have a cold or flu, your lashes may be more prone to falling out; if this happens, it's best to wait until you feel better before having them reapplied. If you've had an allergic reaction to the glue and are experiencing any redness or irritation around your eyes, it's important not to have them reapplied until the symptoms subside and your natural lash growth has time to return.

Another reason why people choose to use false eyelashes is because their own lashes are looking sparse or damaged in some way—whether from age, over-tweezing (or even over-bleaching!), or due to illness. In these situations, taking time off from having fake lashes applied will allow your natural lash growth time for recovery and repair itself before going under again weeks later with fresh extensions on top of what already exists; otherwise there might be too much extra weight put on each individual strand which could result in damage beyond repair!

Are eyelash extensions a lot of maintenance?

The great thing about eyelash extensions is that they're not that much maintenance: you just need to keep your eyes clean, and make sure you don't rub them too hard.

There are a few things you shouldn't do with your lashes though. You can't get them wet for 24 hours after getting them done (so no swimming or sweating it out at the gym), and if you're going through an eye-makeup phase where you want to use waterproof mascara, wait until after two weeks before trying this out again. Also be careful with sleeping on your stomach—if you do so while wearing eyelashes, they'll get stuck in between the skin of your face and pillow case! And finally, make sure to come back every 2-3 weeks so we can fill up the gaps around those beautiful lashes!

Can I get eyelash extensions just once?

Yes! You can get eyelash extensions just once. They're a good option for people who want a more dramatic look, but not for those who are looking for something more natural.

How much do you tip a lash tech?

While there is no set rule for tipping your lash tech, it's wise to know that the amount you tip should be based on the service you received and not the price of your treatment. If you are happy with their work and they have been friendly and informative, consider giving a tip between 15-20%. On the flip side, if they have been less than stellar, give them something closer to 10%.
In general, though, I'd recommend sticking within that 15-20% range since this is what most customers do when tipping for services like manicures or massages. You can also tack on an additional 5% if you were very pleased with their work!

Who is not a good candidate for eyelash extensions?

If you're generally healthy and don't have any of the above conditions, then you should be a good candidate for eyelash extensions.
However, if you have any of the following, we recommend that you consult with your doctor to see if they are okay with having eyelash extensions:
active eye infections, such as pink eye (conjunctivitis) and eye infections caused by allergies health conditions that affect the eyes, like glaucoma or other illnesses/diseases of the cornea or iris (the colored part of your eye)
history of eyelid surgery or an infection in this area skin condition on eyelids

What are the pros and cons of eyelash extensions?

There are many pros and cons of eyelash extensions.

Eyelash extensions can last up to four weeks, depending on the quality of lashes and upkeep. This means you'll have beautiful, long lashes for an extended period of time.

For people with little or no eyelashes, eyelash extensions offer instant length and volume that will make your eyes pop!

They look great in photos! If you're going to a wedding or photo shoot/cameo appearance, you'll be happy about this one-time investment in beauty (and well-being).

 * Cost—while prices vary from salon to salon, expect to pay anywhere from R1000 - R3500 per visit depending on the distance from your house/office/school etc.

We hope you are informed about lash extensions

Eyelash extensions are a good way to get longer lashes, but they have some down sides as well. You will need to take care of your lashes after they are done, and you can get them done once or twice per month. If you don’t want the maintenance of having eyelash extensions done, there is another option for getting longer lashes: fake ones!

If you are interested in getting eyelash extensions, keep in mind that there are some things you should know. Eyelash extensions can last as long as two months, but they will need to be replaced every few weeks if you want them to look fresh.
What Does A Lash Extension Kit Contain?

What Does A Lash Extension Kit Contain?
